Our Lady of Light

Our Lady of Light

Last Sunday in September

The worship of Our Lady of Light and its procession dates back to the 15th century. History goes that on the site of Carnide, Pero Martins a devotee of Our Lady found an image of the Virgin Mary. A chapel built with the name of Santa Maria da Luz, and the worship of the saint began, which soon attracted many people.

The procession is the highlight of the festivals in honour of Our Lady of Light, whose fair - Feira da Luz - is considered one of the oldest in Portugal. The procession starts with a scouts corps, followed by the priests, then the pallium that houses the parish priest of the church, a brotherhood and finally the fire truck with the Image of the Saint, accompanied by the faithful and others.

Route: Igreja da Luz - Rua da Fonte - Rua Maria Brown - Largo do Jogo da Bola - Estrada da Correia - Rua Neves Costa - Travessa do Pregoeiro - Azinhaga das Carmelitas - Largo da Luz - Igreja da Luz